Friday, December 30, 2005



buffy, brad, luna and nettie

buffy, brad, luna and nettie

Thursday, December 29, 2005

friend eyobe painting

friend eyobe painting

ready to leave

ready to leave

cooncat & carl

cooncat & carl

Monday, December 26, 2005

sarah and her kids

sarah and her kids

pie eating squirrel

pie eating squirrel

squirrel eating my pumpkin pie

squirrel eating my pumpkin pie

Tuesday, December 20, 2005



Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Carl & Danny

Carl & Danny



Monday, December 12, 2005

friend Mike Luce at the Black sheep

friend Mike Luce at the Black sheep
Originally uploaded by p.v.glob.

blacksheep photo show

blacksheep photo show

december till jan 2005-2006

december till jan 2005-2006

coon cat curiosity

coon cat curiosity
Originally uploaded by p.v.glob.

notes from above ground seven

Dear Sir, Frieda, Gertie, and I closed the Coughing Dog, the other night, We really had a blast. The happy hour just never seemed to end. We just had fun reminiscing about our good old days when the trout just seemed to leap into the frying pan, and there was a chick in every pot, yum yum. We had a special laugh thinking about our rodeo when you tied little Johnny unto the back of that young bull, and it took off through the woods, and all we ever found were bits of his clothes, and blood stained trees. It seems like nowadays people don’t know how to entertain themselves anymore. It all has to be done for them and then wrapped up in five pieces of plastic and Spoon-fed to them with lots of sugar, with a liberal sprinkling of violence, extravagant special effects and loads of pulsating flesh. Then the whole kit and caboodle is so tightly wrapped up with enticing child proof caps that a lust crazed gorilla couldn’t open. Then it’s all painted up with bright colors and shapes that will seduce and entice a child in such a way that that child will make that lust crazed gorilla look like the queen mother herself at the most elegant tea party. Seems no matter where I start, I always end up talking about something completely different. I read an article in the paper the other day about some lady who killed her husband of sixteen years and in order to dispose of the body she had cut the poor devil up and was charcoaling him. The police caught her as she was barbecuing his forearm. I found myself wondering whether or not she used the spit, what kind of charcoal she used or what type of seasonings. I guess we taste a lot like chicken,yum, yum. That babe at the other end of the bar at the coughing dog sure had a lot of white meat on her bones. ha ha. Keep in touch. Truly Yours,

Saturday, December 10, 2005

holy hippo breath, watch out captain

watch out captain
Originally uploaded by p.v.glob.

eastbank gallery

eastbank gallery
Originally uploaded by p.v.glob.

Friday, December 09, 2005

notes from above ground 6

Dear Sir, Well they had to evacuate the whole camp this afternoon because of a bomb threat. Unfortunately it was just that, a threat. The Horseman’s Ball was a huge success. I was invited, and wore my new uniform which I trimmed up with crocheted collars and hand sewed epaulets. A little sewing here, a cut there and viola, Fredrichs of DeKalb. I thought it was a costume Ball ala Mardi Gras, so came as Medusa. It wasn't a costume ball, but was Fancy dress. Well even so, the adders were a big hit. I had taken the precaution of having their poison sacs removed, but no one else knew that. They still could give you a good nip though. Their fangs are like razors. I had one hell of a time keeping them on my head for even a short while. I had superglued their tails together. That is one terrific glue. Well they fell off right in the middle of the blue skirt waltz, and all of those snakes tried to take off in a different direction which resulted in a lot of hissing and biting of each other and anyone else that was near. Finally six of them started off with a common goal dragging a few resistors. They disappeared into the bell of a band member’s tuba which got dropped in the melee. Well you can bet one musician is going to be in for a surprise when they drain the spit out of their instrument. Everyone was pretty angry with me, and I was so mortified that I fled the whole affair losing one of my new slippers in the haste of my departure. I had such difficulty finding my size too, size six triple E width. Almost perfect, perfectly round. My last pair I had bronzed and made into an umbrella stand. Perhaps some prince will find it and go off in search of the right umbrella. Truly Yours,


Dear Sir, Because of the heat, they have taken us out of the fields and have given us a break. That just seems to make the days last longer, however, so the tedium is great. A couple of my compatriots in boredom found a diversion for an afternoon. One of those cats that are always hanging around caught a mouse and was batting it around, the mouse would think it had escaped when the cat would pounce and bat it around some more. Anyway Gertie and Frieda stole the mouse away from the cat and tied a cord to it's hind leg. Even though the poor thing was dead, they proceeded to tease that cat with it, by dragging that mouse back and forth in front of it. Well much to Gertie and Freida's delight that old cat eventually ate that mouse. No sooner did that cat get that mouse half way down, when those girls started to pull on that string to retrieve it. With much retching and wonderful gymnastics on that cats part, up it came, slippery old mouse. Well to everyone’s joy, that cat must have ate that mouse thirty times that day, before the cord weakened and broke, and that poor creature of a cat, slunk off, foaming at the mouth. It seems at times like a higher power plays with us as did the girls with the cat, or the cat with the mouse. Well after that even the highlights of that day, HA, that week, seemed dreary. That cat will think twice I bet, before it plays with it's food again. At least in front of Gertie and Frieda. There is talk that we might be getting new uniforms, not a moment too soon I say, as mine is in tatters. There is also talk that they might cut down on the medication. I guess all of our incessant drooling is frightening off the customers. Well, keep in touch, Truly Yours,

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

phonewall.jay kirshemann photo

phonewall.jay kirshemann photo, originally uploaded by p.v.glob.

stairwell jay kirshemann photo

stairwell jay kirshemann photo, originally uploaded by p.v.glob.


PHOTO BLACK SHEEP, originally uploaded by p.v.glob.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

jerry 2003 BIRD ON HEAD

jerry 2003 BIRD ON HEAD, originally uploaded by p.v.glob.


DREADED CAT NELSON, originally uploaded by p.v.glob.


LEANING TOWER OF ZIP, originally uploaded by p.v.glob.

The city fathers wish to get rid of the tallest building in south dakota the zip feed mill so they raffeled off tickets and loaded it up with dynamite and a person was selected to press the button and with a lot of faanfare and great to dooo.. At one oclock saturday a great explosion was heard in the land, instead of imploding as planned, it just created another tourist attraction now called the leaning tower of zip

For a video of the attempted implosion, go HERE


hungry, originally uploaded by p.v.glob.


WHERE'S MY NUTS, originally uploaded by p.v.glob.

interstate 29 cold at night

interstate 29 cold at night, originally uploaded by p.v.glob.

Friday, December 02, 2005

41st & minnesota

41st & minnesota, originally uploaded by p.v.glob.

downtown sioux falls

downtown sioux falls, originally uploaded by p.v.glob.

Thursday, December 01, 2005


BUFFALO SKULL GARAGE, originally uploaded by p.v.glob.


WHERE'S DAL, originally uploaded by p.v.glob.